The Pitbull Dog Jaw Strength: Separating Fact from Fiction

Tiny Little Paws
4 min readJun 15, 2023


Pitbull Dog have long been surrounded by myths and misconceptions, and one of the most prevalent ones relates to their jaw strength. With their powerful physique and muscular build, it’s easy to understand why people are curious about the strength of their jaws. Our insights are based on subject matter expertise and credible sources, ensuring readers receive reliable and trustworthy information.

Throughout history, a great number of dog varieties have been maligned. Doberman Pinschers, Bloodhounds, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers have been the antagonists at various times. In the past four decades, the reputation of canines known as Pitbull Dog has significantly deteriorated. Before the recent spate of negative publicity, pit bulls were regarded as the ideal family companion due to their intelligence, loyalty, tenacity, and highly motivated drive, characteristics of most terrier breeds.

Pit Bulls Have Jaws That Lock and Grind

The notion of a mandible that can simultaneously close in the front and grind in the back persists despite contradictory evidence and the anatomical impossibility of these traits. The cranium of the American Pit Bull Terrier is comparable to that of the Labrador Retriever, Poodle, and Australian Shepherd.

Pit Bulls are insensitive to pain.

This absurd misconception causes ignorant individuals to regard pit bulls as if they are immune to pain. This fallacy is perpetuated by proponents of dog fighting to rationalise their inhumane treatment of pit bulls they force to fight. In reality, pit bulls have the same nervous system as other dog breeds and can sense pain.

Pit Bulls Are By Nature Aggressive

None of the three varieties commonly referred to as “pit bulls” are inherently hostile to humans. Because pit bulls were bred to be effective combatants, they can be aggressive toward other canines and animals. However, heredity is not the only factor, and this instinctive behaviour can frequently be controlled through socialisation and training.

Pit Bulls Are Unpredictable

The fallacy of unpredictability portrays pit bulls as hazardous and untamed. Untrained observers may perceive any animal to be unpredictable. However, most animal behaviour specialists assert that pit bulls are as predictable as any other breed. Before attacking, most canines give warnings, including snarling, body rigidity, and gazing.

Understanding the Pitbull Dog Breed:

Before delving into the specifics of their jaw strength, let’s briefly discuss the Pitbull og breed. Pitbull is not a single breed but a term often used to refer to several breeds, including the American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and more. These dogs are known for their strength, agility, and loyalty. Despite their muscular appearance, they are generally friendly and affectionate towards humans when properly trained and socialised.

Dispelling the Jaw Locking Myth:

One of the most persistent myths surrounding Pitbull dogs is the notion that their jaws lock. This myth has fueled the misconception that once a Pitbull dog clamps down on something, it cannot release its grip. However, this is entirely false. Pitbull dogs, like all other dog breeds, do not have anatomical features that allow for jaw locking. Their jaws are built similarly to those of other canines, with a range of motion that allows for opening and closing.

Anatomy of the Pitbull Dog Jaw:

Let’s explore their anatomy better to understand the strength of the Pitbull dog’s jaw. Like other dogs, Pitbulls have a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) that connects their jawbone to the skull. The TMJ allows for jaw movement, enabling Pitbulls to chew, bite, and perform other necessary functions.

While Pitbull dogs have strong jaws, their bite force should not be exaggerated. According to a study by Dr. Brady Barr for National Geographic, the American Pit Bull Terrier had a bite force of around 235 pounds of pressure. This is impressive but falls short of other breeds like the Rottweiler and German Shepherd, which recorded higher bite forces.

Temperament and Training:

It’s important to note that jaw strength alone does not determine a dog’s behaviour. Factors such as training, socialisation, and temperament play a crucial role. Pitbull dogs, when raised and trained properly, can be friendly, gentle, and obedient pets. Aggression or inappropriate behaviour is not solely dependent on jaw strength but can be influenced by various environmental and genetic factors.

Responsible Ownership and Pitbull Dog Safety:

Regardless of breed, responsible dog ownership is essential to ensure the safety of both the dog and those around them. Proper socialisation, training, and providing a loving and secure environment are fundamental aspects of responsible ownership. Additionally, it’s crucial to abide by local regulations and laws regarding dog ownership and prioritise the dog’s well-being through regular veterinary care, a balanced diet, and regular exercise.


The myth surrounding the jaw strength of Pitbull Dog has persisted for years, perpetuating misconceptions and fears. However, it is crucial to separate fact from fiction when discussing this topic. Pitbull dogs, like any other breed, have powerful jaws but do not possess any extraordinary ability to lock their jaws. Understanding their anatomy and acknowledging that training and temperament are essential factors in a dog’s behaviour will help dispel these myths.

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