Top Mistakes to Avoid When Changing Water in Your Fish Tank

Tiny Little Paws
4 min readApr 27, 2023


Changing the water in a fish aquarium is an essential duty that must be performed frequently to maintain the fish’s health and wellbeing. However, there are a number of common errors that people make when changing the water that can be detrimental to the fish and even lead to their demise fish die after a water change.

Here are the most common errors to avoid when altering your fish tank’s water and the reason fish die after a water change:

Too much water change at once: Changing too much water at once can result in a sudden shift in water chemistry, which can be distressing for fish, and fish die after a water change. In general, you should only alter up to 25 percent of the tank’s water at a time.

Failure to dechlorinate the water: The chlorine and other chemicals found in tap water are detrimental to fish. Before introducing potable water to the tank, it is necessary to cleanse it with a dechlorinator to eradicate these potentially hazardous compounds.

Not allowing the temperature of the water to equalise: Thermal shock, which can be disastrous for fish, can be caused by adding water of a substantially different temperature than the aquarium water. Allow the water to attain the same temperature as the water in the tank before introducing it.

The filter in a fish aquarium is necessary for maintaining a healthy environment for the fish. However, excessive cleansing of the filter can eliminate beneficial microorganisms that are essential to the ecosystem of the aquarium. It is recommended that the filter be cleaned once per month or in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.

Utilising hazardous chemicals: As they can be detrimental to fish, avoid using abrasive chemicals to sanitise the aquarium or apparatus because it can be a reason to fish die after a water change. Instead, use moderate detergents or aquarium-specific cleansers formulated specifically for fish containers.

Not testing the water parameters regularly: Not testing the water parameters also can cause fish to die after a water change. Eating the water parameters on a regular basis is essential for maintaining the health of fish. The results of pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate tests will help you determine whether the water needs to be changed and how often it should be changed.

Not exposing the fish to salt water: When introducing new water to the aquarium, it is important to gradually acclimatise the fish to their new water requirements. This can be achieved by gradually introducing small amounts of the new water to the reservoir over a period of time, typically 15 to 30 minutes.

Keep in Mind Prior to Cleansing the fish tank and avoid fish dying after a water change.

1, Organisation

Before we begin to replace the aquarium’s water, we must prepare the water that will be added to it. The correct quantity of water is poured into the container and left for 24 hours. The chlorine in the water will dissipate after 24 hours. Remember that the water must attain the appropriate temperature.

2, Disconnect all apparatus.

Before beginning any procedure, all electrical equipment must be turned off to prevent damage from the lowering of the water level.

It is imperative that Heather be turned off first!! It is the most fragile and easily damaged piece of apparatus!!!

3, The procedure of cleaning.

The point at which the majority of aquarists must rectify an error.

In the beginning, we only sucked a small portion of the aquarium’s water to facilitate access to the glass and other decorations.

  • Then, we will begin cleaning the aquarium.
  • We sanitise the aquarium’s glass walls and crevices
  • Decor
  • We vacuum the aquarium’s substrate using a specialised vacuum cleaner.

When all of the work has been completed, the remainder of the water to be replaced is sucked.

4, Adding new water

After completing all of the tasks, we can refill the aquarium’s water. We move slowly so as not to disturb the soil excessively or harm our plants or fish.

5, Turn on all equipment.

After replacing the water, the previously disabled devices can be activated. Please remember Heather once more. A few hours without the appropriate temperature can be a trauma to our fish, particularly in the winter!!!

In Conclusion, Changing the water in a fish water tank is an important duty that must be performed on a regular basis to avoid fish dying after a water change. By avoiding these common errors, you can keep your fish healthy and content in their environment. Fish die after a water change can be less if these important things keep in mind.

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